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Welcome to the Request a Waiver service, which was developed to accommodate the provisions of the NJDEP Waiver Rule.

To successfully complete this service, you will have to provide certain mandatory information, which will allow the NJDEP to fairly evaluate your request. Therefore, please be prepared before you start your request, as you cannot 'save' your submission and come back to it later. Please refer to the Waiver Rule website for further information on what is required to support a waiver request.

The following is a list of the information you will need to complete this submission:

  1. Contact information for the person completing this submission form (the Submitter) and for the person that the waiver request is for (the Applicant). Contact information includes full mail address, phone number and an email address.
  2. The Waiver Request IDs of any previously submitted waiver requests that are associated with this new request.
  3. The specific NJDEP rule that you are requesting to be waived.
  4. The basis for your waiver request (conflicting rule, unduly burdensome, net environmental benefit and/or public emergency).
  5. If the basis for your waiver request includes conflicting rule, you will need to provide the full citation for the rule in conflict.
  6. Documentation to support every basis you have selected. Up to 5 supporting documents can be uploaded, with an aggregate maximum size of 5 mb. The types of files that can be uploaded are PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, text files and documents with file extensions gif, jpg, png, rtf & tif. Note that additional hardcopy documentation can be sent in to NJDEP if the file type or size doesn't allow uploading, or if the documentation contains confidential information. DO NOT UPLOAD ANY DOCUMENTATION THAT MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION!
  7. If your waiver request is associated with property or a physical location, site information will be required. This includes every county and municipality where the property is located, all block & lot data, and the street address or location description.
  8. If a NJDEP permit is or will be associated with this waiver request, information on the associated permit will be required.
  9. If there is an existing NJDEP program interest ID or other NJDEP identifier (such as a license or registration number) associated with the waiver request, that information needs to be provided.
  10. If there is an existing enforcement action or legal process associated with the waiver request, that information will need to be provided.

Please note that submitting a waiver request is an official act and therefore requests must contain civil language, be truthful and be legitimate requests. Submissions with uncivil language and that are obviously spurious in nature will not be accepted for review and the submitters of such may be subject to legal action.

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Copyright The copyright image. State of New Jersey, 1996-2004
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: June 24, 2004