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Environmental Justice
 EJ Submissions

Diesel Retrofit Program
 Submission Approval Area

Division Of Air Enforcement
 Submission Approval Area

Division of Water Quality
 NJPDES Monitoring Reports (DMRs, WCRs, RTRs)
 Dental Waste Certifications
 Dental Waste Registration - New
 Staff Dental Waste Registration - New
 Dental Waste Registration - Renewal
 Staff Dental Waste Certifications
 Staff Dental Waste Registration - Renewal
 Submission Approval Area
 Stormwater Construction General Authorization
 MSRP Annual Report
 Stormwater Document Submittal
 Submission Approval Area (WQ)

Division of Water Resources Management
 WQMP - Wastewater Management Plan

Document Creation Services
 Solid and Hazardous Waste Reporting Spreadsheet Request

Facility Security Administration (FSA)
 Grant FSA Role Access

 Saltwater Angler - File Generation
 Migration Processor Administration
 Submittal PDF Generator

Office of Dispute Resolution
 Request Alternative Dispute Resolution

Pesticide Operations
 Apply For Aquatic Pesticide Permit

RSP Administration
 Reload Resources

Site Remediation
 CERCLA / RCRA / DOD / DOE / EPA / Chrome Submission
 LSRP-Related Services
 Submission Approval Area
 ISRA General Information Notice (GIN)
 Confirmed Discharge Notification (CDN)

Solid and Hazardous Waste
 Solid and Hazardous Waste Reporting Services
 eWaste Collection Plan
 eWaste Renewal Registration
 Vehicle Registration Add-on/Modification
 Vehicle Registration Renewal
 Recycled Content Manufacturer Registration

System Administration
 Manage Users

Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act (TCPA)
 eNJRMP Submit

Air Program
 RADIUS File Submission
 General Permits (for minor source facilities only)
 General Permits - NJDEP Staff
 General Operating Permits (for Title V major source facilities only)
 NOx RACT Combustion Adjustment
 Permit/Certificate Folder
 Excess Emission Monitoring Performance Reports (EEMPR)
 Periodic Compliance Certification
 Diesel Retrofit Program
 GHG Monitoring & Reporting Rule
 CEMS/COMS Submittals
 RGGI Submittals
 Stack Testing Submittals
 Submission Approval Area RGGI (FSS)
 Submission Acceptance Area CEMS/COMS/Stack (SAA)
 GHG Pipeline Modernization Report
 Submission Acceptance Area GHG (FSS)

Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) - Notifications Services
 LSRP Notification of Retention or Dismissal
 Public Notification and Outreach Form Submission

Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA) - Report and Workplan Services
 Direct Oversight Document Submission
 Remedial Phase Document Submission
 Child Care PA, Clean PASI, or Clean SI Standalone Report Submissions

Division of Land Resource Protection
 Apply for Land Use General Permit-by-Certification
 Apply for a Land Use Authorization or Permit
 Apply for or Revise a Letter of Interpretation
 Renew Tidelands License
 Tidelands Additional Documentation
 Tidelands License Ownership Change
 New Tidelands Application
 Submit Additional Information for a Land Use Authorization or Permit
 Submission Approval Area (FSS)

Right to Know and Pollution Prevention Program
 Community Right To Know Survey
 Release and Pollution Prevention Report and Pollution Prevention Plan Summary

Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program
 Migrate Underground Storage Tank Registration (DEP Only)
 Underground Storage Tank Notice of Intent to Close
 UST Registration Services
 UST Additional Certification Service
 Submission Approval Area

Water Monitoring
 Water Quality Data Exchange

Water Supply
 Renew Physical Connection Permit
 Drinking Water(eDWR)
 Private Well Testing Act (PWTA) Analytical Results
 Water Diversion, Water Utilization and Monitoring Results Submittal
 Report Quarterly Test Results
 WQAA Annual Certification Form
 WQAA Submission Approval Area (FSS)
 Physical Connection Program Service Selection
 WQAA Capital Improvement Reporting

Well Permitting
 Well Permitting Service Selection

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Copyright The copyright image. State of New Jersey, 1996-2004
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: June 24, 2004